At Compassion Family Chiropractic, we utilize specific and effective chiropractic techniques to address misalignments throughout your entire spine. Our intention with correcting the structure of your spine is to improve the function of your nervous system, so that your body can be healthier and more equipped to heal. Dr. David incorporates knowledge gained from the following chiropractic techniques to take a comprehensive approach to your care: Full Spine Technique, Thompson Technique, Pierce Results System, and Activator Technique. For the majority of corrections, we use adjusting instruments that are gentle and highly effective. When necessary, we also can provide manual chiropractic adjustments. During your visit, you can expect to lay down in a relaxed and neutral position and enjoy being at ease as Dr. David makes specific corrections to your spine that help you to function at your best.




When indicated, Dr. David is also trained to provide upper cervical specific care. Compassion Family Chiropractic is the sole chiropractic office in Lewisville, and all of Denton county, to offer the Orthospinology Upper Cervical technique. Orthospinology is an orthogonal upper cervical chiropractic technique. Now what does that mean? Great question. Orthogonal means “involving 90 degree angles,” and upper cervical chiropractic is a specification that focuses on correction of the very top portion of your spine. So, by making precise adjustments to the first bone in your neck, called your atlas vertebra, we work to restore proper symmetry in your entire spine. This removes tension from the most critical area in your nervous system, the brainstem, resulting in a major boost of your overall function. Many symptoms have been known to improve with upper cervical care including and not limited to: headaches, migraines, vertigo, seizures, syncope, ear infections, tinnitus, meniere’s, trigeminal neuralgia, nerve pain, anxiety, depression, sleeping issues, fatigue, high blood pressure, and digestive problems. The results that many people have achieved from upper cervical chiropractic motivates them to travel hours at a time to receive care from their nearest doctor, so we are excited to make this technique locally available to our Lewisville community!



At Compassion Family Chiropractic, your results are a top priority. We aim to always provide you the highest quality of care, using the techniques and technologies that we believe will help you the most. Your well-being is our genuine desire. We hope to see you and your family become part of the many success stories that we have been blessed to see in our office!