Why Do Chiropractors Take X-Rays?

When you became a practice member at Compassion Family Chiropractic in Lewisville, TX, all those many moons ago, you might remember our team taking a series of X-rays before starting any spinal adjustments. And as you reached various milestones in your continued care with us, we took another round of images. It didn’t matter if you craved relief from chronic headaches, low back pain, digestive issues, or another ailment somewhere in between — everyone got X-rays (and still do).

But why? Why do chiropractors take X-rays? The answer is pretty simple if you think about it.

X-rays Are A Great Tool for Chiropractic Analysis!

Much like X-rays are routinely used in other healthcare settings to help doctors view the inside of a patient’s body without making an incision, chiropractors rely on these advanced images daily to gain useful information about a patient’s spine. 

By viewing the spine from the inside, we can properly diagnose your condition before treatment starts to identify the source of your pain and the best treatment options for your unique situation. X-rays also help rule out severe conditions such as diseases, illnesses, bone fractures, and more that might fall beyond our scope and require a referral to another doctor or surgeon. 

Lastly, X-rays are helpful during care — taking new images and comparing and contrasting them to old ones gives us a clear picture of any progress you’ve made. Just a few things we are looking at with X-rays include the following:

  • Vertebral alignment

  • Disc degeneration

  • Proper curvature of the spine

  • Potential bone spurs and fractures

  • Diseases such as scoliosis and other abnormalities

  • Bone spacing and density

By knowing exactly what’s wrong, we can determine what is needed for treatment. This includes everything from our adjustments to the frequency of care and any additional therapy that ensures a full recovery. 

Remember that chiropractic adjustments aren’t the same for every patient, just like no two chiropractic patients’ ongoing care plans are created the same — even if their symptoms or pain are similar. Their spinal alignments are also unique, as is their posture, pain levels, range of motion, medical histories, etc. Our job is to use X-rays as a tool so that we can then employ a variety of gentle and specific chiropractic adjustments to correct the root issues of your pain and dysfunction throughout the entire spine. 

Do you want to know what chiropractic patients say about Compassion Family Chiropractic in Lewisville? Here are some reviews.

Call Compassion Family Chiropractic Today!!

At Compassion Family Chiropractic in Lewisville, TX, our goal is for you and your family to feel like a part of ours. On your first visit, you will be greeted by warm smiles and a whole team that is happy and willing to serve you. We aim to provide you with the most thorough and effective chiropractic care available while treating you with unparalleled service all along the way. We look forward to the opportunity to become your family’s home for chiropractic care in Lewisville!

Give us a call today at (469) 240-2322. To learn more about Dr. David Ravdin, click here.


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